Dopalive Privacy Policy

1. About this privacy policy

The privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as ‘this policy’) regarding the handling of personal information of “Dopalive” members in the Dopalive platform service (hereinafter referred to as ‘the service’) provided by the Dopalive team is as follows. The terms used in this policy are defined as follows. The definitions of terms used in this text are in accordance with the applicable data protection law and related laws and regulations. (2) The Company shall not use any personal data for any purpose other than those stipulated in this Privacy Policy.

2. Personal information to be collected

(1) Dopalive collects personal information of Dopalive members by legal and proper means. (2) Dopalive collects the following information from Dopalive MEMBER in order to use the Service or through the use of the Service.

  1. Dopalive Member's registration information such as age, Dopalive ID, password, language, e-mail, telephone number, etc.

  1. All information described, distributed, transmitted, posted, registered, or displayed by Dopalive Member on the Service (hereinafter referred to as “Descriptive Information”)

  1. Information such as payment history recorded when purchasing paid contents such as purchasing coins

  1. Information provided by Dopalive members to the Company through participation in surveys, prizes, and contests conducted by Dopalive members on the Service.

  1. Other information that Dopalive Member agrees to be obtained by the Company.

(2) The Company may acquire the following information at any time.

  1. When a Dopalive Member edits his/her account information, the edited account information

  1. IP address, information on the device used by Dopalive Member, network information, time zone, etc.

(3) Dopalive obtains the following information from other services

  1. When social networking services such as Facebook are used to log in to the Service, information such as profile photo, user name, gender, date of birth, etc. registered on such social networking services

  1. Information about Dopalive members provided by third parties such as providers, advertising partners of the Service, payment partners, etc.

3. Purpose of use of personal information

(1) Dopalive shall use Dopalive Member's personal information within the scope of the following purposes of use or within the scope of the purposes of use that are clear from the circumstances of its acquisition, and shall not use it for any other purposes except when Dopalive Member consents thereto or when permitted under the law.

  1. To provide, continue, or improve the services of Dopalive and its affiliated companies (including addition of functions and contents, omission of re-entry of information when using the services by storing personal information, etc.)

  1. To provide information regarding the Services and the services of Dopalive's affiliated companies

  1. To store transaction records and negotiation progress of Dopalive members, and to manage contracts (including those of Dopalive members who have terminated use of the Service once (regardless of the reason)). (Including those of Dopalive Members who have once terminated their use of the Service (regardless of the reason)).

  1. To respond to opinions, questions and requests regarding the Service from Dopalive Member, and to provide guidance and answers to such opinions, questions and requests.

  1. To protect the legitimate interests of Dopalive Member, the Company, the Company's affiliates, or third parties, and to respond to acts in violation of related laws, guidelines, terms of use, policies, etc. regarding the Service

  1. To detect acts in violation of laws and regulations, acts in violation of the Terms of Use pertaining to the Service, and unauthorized use of the Service. o

  1. To send technical notices, updates, security warnings, services, and administrative messages regarding the Service

  1. To compile statistical data, market research, and marketing activities related to the Service

  1. To improve the Service, and to research, develop, and provide new services

  1. To notify you of changes to the terms of use, policies, etc. related to the Service.

  1. To advertise, send, or display services provided by the Company, its affiliates, or third parties to Dopalive members via direct mail, mail magazines, or other media managed or operated by the Company (however, limited to the contents and methods permitted by related laws and regulations).

  1. To create statistical data related to the Service in a format that does not allow individual identification.

  1. To achieve other purposes incidental to the purposes of use specified in the preceding items.

(2) Dopalive may use the descriptions and other information posted by Dopalive members in the open access areas of Dopalive for advertising and promotional materials for Partner Sites and Partner Products.

4. Management of personal data

Dopalive shall keep Dopalive Members' personal data accurate and up-to-date to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and shall endeavor to delete such personal data when it is no longer necessary to use it.

In addition, Dopalive shall take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of Dopalive Member's personal data and for other security management.

When Dopalive employs employees to handle Dopalive Members' personal data, Dopalive shall ensure that they are familiarized with the proper handling of personal data, provide them with appropriate training, and supervise them in a necessary and appropriate manner.

5. Provision of personal data to third parties

Dopalive shall not provide any personal data among personal information to any third party (including those located outside Japan) without obtaining the prior consent of Dopalive members. Dopalive will not provide personal data to third parties (including those located outside of Japan) without the prior consent of Dopalive members. However, Dopalive will not provide personal data to third parties (including those located outside of your country) without obtaining the prior consent of the Dopalive Member, except in the following cases. However, this shall not apply in cases where Dopalive provides personal data to a third party (including those located outside of your country) for the following reasons In the event that we provide personal data to a third party, we will follow the procedures and prepare records as stipulated in the applicable law.

  1. When we outsource all or part of the handling of information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

  1. When personal data is provided as a result of the succession of business due to merger or other reasons

  1. Cases in which personal data is provided to a business partner or information collection module provider

  1. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of Dopalive Members may impede the execution of such affairs.

  1. Other cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations.

6. Measures to be taken when Dopalive receives personal data

When Dopalive receives personal data from a third party, Dopalive will confirm the name, etc. of the third party and the circumstances of the acquisition of the personal data, and record these matters.

7. Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Data

We may outsource the handling of personal data to subcontractors to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

In the event of outsourcing, we will select a company with a well-developed personal information protection system and will use the information after necessary and appropriate supervision.

8. Consequences for not disclosing personal information

Disclosure of personal information to the Company is voluntary. However, if you do not provide us with some of your personal information, you may not be able to use some of our services or respond to some of your inquiries.

9. Disclosure of Retained Personal Data and Contact for Inquiries

(1) When Dopalive receives a request from a Dopalive Member or his/her representative to be notified of the purpose of use of retained personal data, Dopalive shall confirm the identity of the Dopalive Member and notify him/her without delay, except in the following cases.

  1. When the purpose of use of retained personal data that identifies the Dopalive Member is clear.

  1. When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the Dopalive Member or a third party

  1. When there is a risk of harm to the Company's rights or legitimate interests

  1. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or local public body in executing its obligations under laws and regulations, and there is a possibility of interfering with the execution of such duties.

(2) When a Dopalive Member or its agent requests disclosure of retained personal data, Dopalive shall confirm the identity of the individual and notify the individual without delay, except in the following cases.

  1. When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the Dopalive Member or a third party.

  1. If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business.

  1. When it is in violation of laws and regulations.

(3) When Dopalive receives a request from a Dopalive member or his/her representative for correction, addition, or deletion of retained personal data, Dopalive will investigate the request without delay after confirming the identity of the individual and take appropriate measures based on the results. Dopalive shall notify the Dopalive Member when it corrects, adds to, or deletes the retained personal data, or when it decides not to do so.

(4) When a Dopalive Member or a third party requests Dopalive to cease use of or delete retained personal data, Dopalive shall confirm the identity of the Dopalive Member or the third party and take appropriate action if it is found that there is a reason for the request. In the event that the request to cease use or erase the retained personal data is not granted, Dopalive shall notify the Dopalive Member of such refusal.

(5) Please refer to the “Contact for complaints, consultations, etc. regarding our handling of personal information” below for the contact point for responding to disclosure, etc.

(6) In the case of disclosure, etc. as described in Paragraphs (1) through (4) above, the Company may request the Dopalive Member to pay a fee for disclosure, etc. after separate consultation with the Dopalive Member.

10. Personal information protection policy

Please refer to the Personal Information Protection Policy on the Company's website.

11. Others

(1) When a Dopalive Member browses information such as descriptions using the Service on the Internet, the Company shall store the records specified below that the server collects or generates by itself when the Dopalive Member browses or searches for such information on the Internet.

  1. Usage records: When Dopalive Member sends and receives messages through the Service, the Company collects such message information. Such information includes the time, date, sender, recipient, and other information. We also collect information when Dopalive Members use the Service. Such information includes the Dopalive Member's web browser type, language, time of use, IP address, etc.

  1. Device Information: Dopalive collects device information when Dopalive members use the Service. This information includes the type of device, the operating system used and its version, device ID, phone number, and mobile network information. In addition, the Service may, with Dopalive Member's consent, access applications that store Dopalive Member's contacts, photos and videos on the Dopalive Member's device in order to effectively support the functions of the Dopalive Member's use of the Service.

  1. Location information: In order to effectively support the functionality of Dopalive Member's use of the Service, we collect location information of Dopalive Member's device with Dopalive Member's consent.

  1. Data Tracking: We use various data tracking technologies to collect information to help us improve the Services and user experience.

  1. Targeted Advertising: We may use information about access to websites related to the Services to provide advertisements about products and services of interest to Dopalive members.

(2) Cookie Policy: The Service allows the web server of the Service to identify Dopalive Member's device-related records through cookies, and only after Dopalive Member agrees to maintain his/her login status or after each login, the Service will respond to Dopalive Member Dopalive Member through cookies. Most web browsers are preconfigured to accept cookies, but it is possible to block cookies. However, it is recommended that you enable cookies so that you can receive all related services when using the Service.

(3) Websites linked to the Service may also collect Dopalive Member's personal information, and any personal information voluntarily provided by Dopalive Member to such linked websites shall be subject to the privacy policy of such linked websites. Dopalive shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any personal information voluntarily provided by Dopalive Members to such linked websites.

(4) Please understand and acknowledge that Dopalive cannot guarantee the complete security of information even if Dopalive has taken the best security measures due to technical limitations or malicious attacks by third parties. Dopalive Members are required to take proactive measures to protect the security of their personal information, such as changing their passwords regularly and not disclosing their account passwords or other personal information to others. It is necessary to do so.

(5) International Transmissions: Dopalive MEMBER agrees that Dopalive MEMBER may transmit, use and process Dopalive MEMBER's personal information at any data processing center or other location controlled by Dopalive, its affiliates or subcontractors.

12. Use by the user

Dopalive Members may review and modify their personal information present in their profile information at any time.

If a Dopalive Member wishes to stop using his/her account, we will initially deactivate the account of such Dopalive Member. This means that the Dopalive Member will not be able to retrieve his/her Dopalive Membership information.

If a Dopalive Member chooses to delete his/her account, we will store the Dopalive Member's information (including, but not limited to, the Dopalive Member's profile information and any statements or other information posted by the Dopalive Member). However, the Company shall not be obligated to restore the Dopalive Member's account. Dopalive may delete such information from the server after a period of time stipulated by law has elapsed.

To prevent abuse of Dopalive by Dopalive MEMBERS after account deletion, we will retain such information as may be necessary in our sole discretion to prevent Dopalive MEMBERS from opening new accounts and profiles in violation of provisions in our Prescribed Terms.

Notwithstanding this paragraph, if a Dopalive Member violates the Terms of Service or the law, the Company will delete the Dopalive Member's account.

13. Data storage

Dopalive is a global social application that operates through servers around the world, including the United States. If a Dopalive Member resides in a country or region where data protection laws are in effect, the storage of personal data may not provide the same protections as those enjoyed in the country of residence.

By submitting your personal data, choosing to upgrade the Service, or using any of the applications available on Dopalive, you consent to the transfer, storage and processing of your personal data to Dopalive.

14. Security

(1) Dopalive has implemented reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect and prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of information under our control, including Dopalive Members' personal information. Dopalive employs reasonable security measures to protect the confidentiality of personal information, including servers secured with firewalls, and Dopalive's technical experts are committed to ensuring the secure use of our site.

(2) Although we take precautions against possible security breaches of our website and databases, no website or internet transmission is completely secure and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will not occur. We recommend that you take steps to keep your personal information (including passwords) secure and log out of your account after use.

(3) You may not disclose your password to any third party or share it with any third party. Note that if you lose your password or distribute it to a third party, your personal information may be compromised. In this case, please contact our support team via the “Feedback” section of the Service. In this case, you should also change your password immediately from the “Settings” page of the Service. Dopalive shall not be responsible for any and all responsibilities related to the management of passwords by Dopalive members.

(4) If you decide to use this service to disclose information to third parties, you should be aware that your personal information will be disclosed when you engage third parties. Dopalive members should reflect the extent to which they wish other Dopalive members to recognize them. Please note that any information you disclose to third parties may be read, collected, or used by other Dopalive Members. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by a Dopalive Member due to information that the Dopalive Member chooses to disclose on his/her own.

15. Precautions (regarding disclosed information)

Dopalive Member may use the comment function of the Service to communicate with other Dopalive Members. However, Dopalive recommends that Dopalive Members carefully consider disclosing information to other Dopalive Members. Dopalive recommends that you do not include your email address URL, comment details, telephone number, name, address, credit card transaction history, personal identification number or driver's license details, or any other confidential information on your “My Page” on the Service. In addition, Dopalive members should be careful not to post any confidential information about themselves, such as their religious affiliation or health details. You may, but are discouraged from, disclosing information about your sexual preferences or ethnic background when you create a profile, etc. Please note that any records or other information you post on Dopalive may constitute confidential information, including personal information.

16. Use of this service by persons under 18 years of age

The Service is not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. In some cases, other countries or regions may have different age restrictions on who may not use the Service due to regulatory requirements. Please refer to the privacy policies of other countries or regions for more information. If you use the Service and discover that we have collected personal information from someone under the age of 18, please contact us. We will delete this information and terminate the account from which such information originated. Please use our e-mail address to contact us as described above.

17. Revisions

The Company may revise this Policy as necessary, and Dopalive members shall accept such revisions. Unless otherwise specified by the Company, any changes to this Policy shall be announced to Dopalive members at any time by posting on the Service, and shall become effective upon such posting.

18. Contact for complaints, consultations, etc. regarding Dopalive's handling of personal information